As many current Art Educators know, there are many trends in education right now. Things like DBAE (Discipline Based Art Education), Professional Learning Communities, Visual Culture Studies and so on. I am personally committed to DBAE, as it is a great part of structuring lesson plans and art education curriculum, as well as Response to Intervention (RtI) techniques and Professional Learning Communities. I think it is great to be involved in your career as much as you can to make your job easier and better. While working with children, we are not only looking out for our careers as professionals, but so many children's lives as well. I can't wait to see what my practicum experience will teach me regarding all of these trends that we're learning about.
In class we were encouraged to look up this list of current trends. I found a video clip for each trend that I found to be extremely relevant, and some that were just cute or funny! I encourage you to take the time to watch them all, or at least clips of them until you get what each one is about, they're pretty great!
1. Professional Learning Community (PLC) - Teachers coming together to discuss how students learn, what they should be learning and how to help those struggling.
2. Response to Intervention (RtI) -Seeks to prevent academic failure through early intervention, frequent
progress measurement, and increasingly intensive research-based
instructional interventions for children who continue to have
3. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)-The social-emotional/behavioral component to response to intervention
4. Responsive Classroom- A precursor to PBIS and is still relevant.
The basic concept that students do better academically when we also create a
sense of belonging and community at school. Social skills and instruction
is a big part of RC.
5. Daily 5-The latest buzz word in education - Is a model for the
delivery of early reading and literacy. Daily 5 is made up of Read to
Self, Read to Others, Listen to Read, Word Work and Writing.
6. UBD- Understanding by Design - The idea of "backward design" in curriculum. the practice of looking at the outcomes in order to design curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. This video was so funny, I loved it!
Awesome!!!! Great finds!