I believe in the discipline based art curriculum. Through DBAE, I find that my curriculum has much more scope and sequence as well as integration of very important aspects of art, like art history and art criticism. DBAE allows me to structure my lessons and curriculum in a way that provides a particular beginning, middle and end to each curriculum while presenting a broad range of information regarding the art world. I think a discipline based approach helps legitimize art as an area of study because the students are not just learning about the processes and techniques in an art project, they are learning the academia associated with the history, criticism and philosophical aspects of the project. I do think that my students will have complete control of their own projects and how they solve the problem that I present to them in each lesson, just as they would in a choice based curriculum, but in my classroom they would also be studying two or more of the main components of DBAE. These components include:
Art Production, Art History, Art Criticism, Aesthetics
My students will have a choice of how they attempt each project, but I will guide the curriculum in a manner that Greer has presented the art community with. DBAE is something that not only helps me organize my curriculum and provide a comprehensive overview of art, but it gives my students the ability to learn important knowledge associated with art movements, aesthetics and so on.
Nice blog, great content.